
Authorssort descendingYearTitle
K. Athanassios1973?kologische und zoogeographische Beitr?ge zur Kenntnis der Libytheidae und Nemeobiidae Griechenlands
K. Athanassios1973Die Papilionidae Griechenlands
K. Athanassios1973Nachtr?ge, Erg?nzungen und ?kologisch-zoogeographische Berichtigungen der Nymphalidae-Fauns Griechenlands (Lepidoptera)
K. Athanassios1973?kologische und zoogeographische Beitr?ge zur Kenntnis der Hesperiidae Griechenlands (Lepidoptera)
K. Athanassios1973?kologische und zoogeographische untersuchungen der Lycaenidae Griechenlands (Lepidoptera)
K. Athanassios1970Vergleichend zoogeographische Untersuchung ?ber die Lepidopterenfaunen der Nord?g?ischen Inseln Thassos, Samothraki und Limnos
K. Athanassios0Zur ?kologie und Chorologie der Satyriden-Fauna Griechenlands (Lepidoptera: Satyridae)
Z. Balint1993Egy xeromontá n boglárkalepke: a Plebejus pylaon (Fischer von Waldheim, 1832) és rokonsági köre (Lepidoptera, Lycaenidae), III.* A csoport filogenetikája é s állatföldrajza .
Z. Balint1987Description of a new subspecies of Plebejus (Plebejides) sephirus Frivaldsky, 1835 from Macedonia with short note on the pylaon-complex (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae)
Z. Balint, Johnson K.1997Reformation of the Polyommatus Section with a Taxonomie and Biogeographic OverView (Lepidoptera, Lycaenidae, Polyommatini)
Z. Balint, Kertesz A.1990A survey of the subgenus Plebejides (Sauter, 1986) - preliminary revision
V. Bart1993Danaus chrysippus (Linnaeus, 1758) en andere trekvlinders op Kerkira (Korfoe) (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae: Danainae)
A. Bernd1980Die Pr?imaginalstadien der Gattung Pseudochazara De Lesse, 1951. Teil 1: Pseudochazara graeca (Staudinger, 1870)
A. Bernd1978Beitrag zur systematischen Stellung von Pseudochazara graeca und Beschreibung einer neuen Subspecies (Lep. Satyridae)
D. Cesaroni, Lucarelli, M., Allori, P., Russo, F., Sbordoni, V.1994Patterns of evolution and multidimensional systematics in graylings (Lepidoptera: Hipparchia)
L. Ch.1907Uber Colias heldreichi
R. C.I.1984Crete revisted 1981 and 1982
L. C.J.1992Around Greece in fourteen days. Corrigenda
L. C.J.1990Around Grece in fourteen days, 1988
D. Claude1982Leptidea morsei major Grund en Gr?ce (Pieridae)
D. Claude1978Contribution a l' etude de la faune entomologique de la Gr?ce
D. Claude1977Contribution a l' etude de la faune entomologique de la Gr?ce
J. C. Coutsis1983Description of the female genitalia of Hipparchia fagi Scopoli, Hipparchia semele Linnaeus (Satyridae) and their related taxa
J. C. Coutsis0Description of the female genitalia of Hipparchia fagi Scopili, Hipparchia semele Linnaeus (Satyridae) and their related taxa
S. Davkov, Mérit X.2018Muschampia cribrellum inexpectata, a new subspecies from Mt Olympus, Greece (Lepidoptera : Hesperiidae)
H. D.C.1980The biogeography of the butterflies of the Mediterranean islands
J. R. de1987Superspecies Pyrgus malvae in the East Mediterranean, with notes on Phylogenetic and biological relationships
J. R. de1984Entomologen in Griekenland, Opgepast!
J. R. de1974Systematics and evolution of the Palearctic Spialia species (Lep. Hesp.)
J. R. de1974Notes on the genus Carcharodus (Lepidoptera, Herperiidae)
J. R. de1972Systematics and geographic history of the genus Pyrgus in the Palearctic Region (Lep. Hesp.)
F. Josef J. de1985Revision der Gattung Archon H?bner 1822 mit Angaben zur Biologie, Verbreitung, Morphologie und Systematik von Archon apollinus (Herbst 1798) und Archon apollinaris Staudinger [1892] 1891 (stat. nov.) (Lepidoptera, Papilionidae)
J. Joseph de1916L?pidopt?res et N?vropt?res recueillis par le Dr Landrieu ? l'?le de Lesbos (Mytil?ne)
L. H. de1960Les nombres de chromosomes dans la classification du groupe d' Agrodiaetus ripartii Freyer (Lepidoptera Lycaenidae)
M. Josef J. de1951The distribution of Pandoriana maja Cr. in central Europe (Lep. Nymphalidae)
P. W. De1995Rhopalocera and Grypocera of Turkey 14. Taxonomic revision of the Pyrgus alveus (H?bner, 1803) complex from Greece to West China, with description of two new species from southern Turkey (Lepidoptera: Hesperiidae)
V. Maurits De2004Interessante waarnemingen van Lepidoptera in Griekenland: Deel III
V. Maurits De2002Interessante waarnemingen van Lepidoptera in Griekenland: Deel II
V. Maurits De2001Interessante waarnemingen van Lepidoptera in Griekenland
W. C. G. M. de1979Two continental journeys during 1978
W. C. G. M. de1972Two collecting trips in Europe during 1971 (1) Greece: Delphi and the Peloponnese, May to June
W. C. G. M. de1963Spring butterflies in Greece, April 1963
P. D. v. der1990Thymelicus hyrax (Lederer 1861), a new species for the Greek mainland (Lepidoptera: Hesperiidae)
P. D. v. der1985Erebia epiphron Knoch, een nieuwe soort voor de Griekse fauna (Lepidoptera: Satyridae)
P. D. v. der1985Yptima asterope Klug op Rodos en andere dagvlinder-waarnemingen op dit eiland in juni 1984 (Lepidoptera: Satyridae)
P. D. v. der1984Interessante faunistische gegevens over sommige Griekse dagvlinders in Juli 1982. april en juli 1983 (Lepidoptera, Rhopalocera)
P. D. v. der1984On the occurrence of Kretania eurypilus FREYER on the Peloponessos (Lycaenidae, Plebejinae)
P. D. v. der1982Interessante dagvlinderwaarne mingen in Griechenland Juli 1981
P. D. v. der1982Nota’s omtrent het genus Gonepteryx in Griekenland, in april 1982 (Lepidoptera, Pieridae).


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith